Notice of Tenant Transfer

Conditions of Tenant Lease Agreement / Bond Transfer

  • All tenants listed on the current Residential Tenancy Agreement must sign to agree to the transfer.
  • The Residential Tenancies Bond Authority Tenant Transfer form must be completed by all listed current, outgoing and incoming tenants. This form must be completed without alterations or corrections and returned to the agent.
  • Any person wishing to be added to the residential tenancy agreement must fully complete an Application Form and submit photo identification.
  • The property owner reserves the right to accept or decline the transfer of the Residential Tenancy Agreement / Bond Transfer. The acceptance of the transfer has not deemed to be accepted until written confirmation from the agent is received.
  • A new property Condition Report is NOT completed when a tenant transfer occurs. Tenants transferring to a Residential Tenancy Agreement agree and are bound by the Condition Report supplied at the commencement of the current tenancy. It is the incoming / continuing tenants responsibility to ensure they have received a copy of the current Condition Report/Residential Tenancy Agreement and accept the accuracy of this document.
  • An administration fee of $220.00 must be paid prior to the completion of the tenant transfer.